viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Language Assistant 2015/2016

Hi everyone,
Now is time to introduce our Language Assistant... but let her introduce herself:

 Hello! My name is Alexandra Jokic, I am 25 years old and from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I am a language assistant who is teaching in both IES Diego Angulo and CEIP Jose Nogales. I look forward to a wonderful year in Valverde del Camino and cannot wait to contribute to these bilingual classes!

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Bilingual Teachers 2015/16

Hello everyone!

 This year our Bilingual Coordinator will be May Almeida (Departamento de Lengua) and here you have a picture of her and of our Bilingual teachers:

As you can see we have four Bilingual teachers:
- Ángel López Mosquera (Sciences)
- Lola Pérez Mora (Social Sciences)
- Javier Pompa Domínguez (Technology)
- Jesús Valenzuela Muñoz (Maths)

miércoles, 13 de mayo de 2015

martes, 28 de abril de 2015

Gibraltar winners

This group of four students are our winners of the gymkhana at Gibraltar... They enjoyed the activity and have been rewardedwith a delicious bar of chocolate...

lunes, 6 de abril de 2015

Campamentos de inmersión 1º - 2º ESO

Se convocan becas para el alumnado de 1º y 2º ESO para la realizaciónde campamentos de inmersión lingüística; en el siguiente enlace se encuentra el documento oficial:

Pincha aquí

A trip to Gibraltar

During the two-days trip to Gibraltar, our students visited the archeological Roman site of Baelo Claudia. The presentation of the site was made by our assistant Hannah. Here you can see some moments of this trip to the British colony and more...
Our 3rd ESO students

Hannah Loeb at Baelo Claudia