viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

Language Assistant 2015/2016

Hi everyone,
Now is time to introduce our Language Assistant... but let her introduce herself:

 Hello! My name is Alexandra Jokic, I am 25 years old and from Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I am a language assistant who is teaching in both IES Diego Angulo and CEIP Jose Nogales. I look forward to a wonderful year in Valverde del Camino and cannot wait to contribute to these bilingual classes!

viernes, 2 de octubre de 2015

Bilingual Teachers 2015/16

Hello everyone!

 This year our Bilingual Coordinator will be May Almeida (Departamento de Lengua) and here you have a picture of her and of our Bilingual teachers:

As you can see we have four Bilingual teachers:
- Ángel López Mosquera (Sciences)
- Lola Pérez Mora (Social Sciences)
- Javier Pompa Domínguez (Technology)
- Jesús Valenzuela Muñoz (Maths)